Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Keswick is such an easy dog to have in our house!  Right now he's resting beside me while I get some work done and write this blog.  A little later we'll go outside and play for awhile.  When we come back in he may come back upstairs with me, or he may stay downstairs with the other dogs.  Yesterday all three of them hung out on the couch together.  He found a spot between the two big dogs and just fit himself right in between them.  When I run errands during the day I'll crate him, or sometimes I just leave him out with the other dogs. 

Sometimes I almost forget that he's here because he just fits in so well.  He doesn't cause any problems with the other dogs, and he doesn't require any special treatment.  He's definitely a low maintenance pet.  If you're thinking about adopting a dog and you don't want to have to change your routine or rearrange your home, Keswick would be the perfect dog.  He just wants to love you and be loved, and play ball every now and then!



Friday, May 3, 2013

We're really enjoying getting to know Keswick!  He enjoys being with people and hanging out with his four-legged foster brothers. He keeps me company during the day either sitting with me in my office, or sometimes he'll go downstairs to the living room and rest on the couch. He lets me know when he wants to play by bringing his ball and dropping it down next to me, so then we'll take a little break and play fetch for a while.

Keswick has really become attached to our 10 year old daughter. He follows her everywhere! He sleeps in her bedroom at night. We'll let him stay in bed with her until we go to bed, and then we'll put him in his crate. He loves his crate and feels very safe there. We don't have any trouble getting him to go in, and he sleeps all night and doesn't make a sound. He's such a good boy.

I haven't seen him mark anywhere in the house since the first couple of days he was here, so hopefully it's stopped. We do take a lot of potty breaks during the day. We've gone for a few walks, but he pulls when he's on a leash so we do need to work on that.

This little guy is all about love. He gives sweet little kisses, loves to be in our laps or just laying next to us with a paw on our arm or leg. He loves to be picked and held like a baby! Keswick is a great dog for any family!

Here's a short video I took earlier this week when the weather was so warm. It's Keswick and his four-legged foster brothers enjoying a rest under a shady tree!